
Moneymoney pdf
Moneymoney pdf

It draws on unique data in Switzerland to question the chain of security through which the main global policy against crime is produced in concreto. This article contributes empirically and conceptually to the literature on finance and security in the light of anti-money laundering and to discussions on international crime control and social order.

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Understanding such phenomenon on sites opens up key avenues for future research into developing an anti-money laundering regime for the construction industry. The multidisciplinary approach of this research provides a pedagogical way that focuses primarily on the disciplines of construction management and business ethics to demonstrate real-world money laundering practice. Emerging qualitative research methods may be incorporated in the future to provide a more extensive information due to the fact that money laundering data is complex and sensitive that few people want to discuss. While the single narrative method with an omniscient narrator allows for the conceptualisation of a human experience with money laundering, the depth of information and interpretations is limited. In this regard, the wages for undocumented workers, which were primarily paid in cash, provided a considerable opportunity for the subcontracting organisations to engage in money laundering. The appealing commission provided incentives to opportunistic personnel. The size of the project as well as the multiple layers of organisations involved made it easy for launderers to operate. The findings show that construction personnel who have access to the business’s financial affairs are the most likely to engage in illicit transactions. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. However, the data for this paper was primarily derived from an interview. interviews, site visits and document analysis, were used.

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Throughout the study, qualitative methods, i.e.

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The purpose of this paper is to explore the connection between money laundering on the construction sites and undocumented foreign workers, based on a narrative drawn from a qualitative research. Money laundering weakens the role of the construction industry in stimulating economic growth.

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